I.M.P.A.C.T. Project 1.0

Intention - A determination to act in a certain Way, purpose, aim, objective, or goal.

My Intention - To help others create positive lifestyles through internal management of ones self.

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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Don't change others, Change yourself

Don't believe you can change others, as you have no control over someone else and their actions. You will face resistance in fighting the impossible. Instead believe you can change yourself, and then see how everything around you has changed as well. If you don't like something you see, don't change what your looking at, change how you see it. It's always within you to make a difference, just think about it!

Shea Noble
Positivity Specialist 

Friday, December 10, 2010

Joe Vitale changed my life

I just posted my story on how Joe Vitale, from the movie "The Secret," changed my life. Go read it by clicking the link -Joe Vitale changed my life

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The 2 Difficult Steps to Success-As Hard As 1-2

There are so many step by step programs out there that are as “easy as 1-2-3,” right? Well, thats great and all, I’m pretty sure that many of them work too, and really are easy to put to use. But, has anyone shared the most difficult steps to success? Does everyone even know the 2 most difficult steps to success? Some might, I bet many don’t though. I will l share with you The 2 Difficult Steps to Success - As Hard As 1-2, and I think you’ll be shocked as to what they are.

Of course like any step by step program, I will start with….Step 1.


    Yes, Decide. You of course, have to decide what you are going to do to become successful. Now that may sound simple at first but, in actuality it takes a great deal of energy to think about and decide what it is you should do. You must look deep down inside yourself and find what it is you are truly passionate about, cause it is that passion that will be the driving force behind your reason. You may have to read books you enjoy, spend time with friends or family, or look back on your life to be able to find what it is you want to do. Obviously there are many jobs, or projects, or programs you can get involved in and probably do, but will you be passionate about it? Thats why this is a difficult step, cause so many people don’t actually know what they want to do. They just go about life doing what they have always done, and continue not getting the results they want. So start thinking about it, you might find it today or tomorrow, or it may take you till next year. But, when you find it, it will be worth it.

Again following the process of a step by step program, here is….Step 2.


    Now that you have decided what it is you are passionate about and want to share with others, you must take Action. This step is a little more difficult than Step 1, but it’s something your passionate about, so you’ll enjoy following Step 2 and taking Action upon it. This step is going to involve many things to get you to where you want to be, but the main thing is to continue to take action. Cause without action, you get nothing. You don’t have to do a lot at once, take small steps if necessary, as long as your moving forward you will get where you want to go. Don’t be afraid to ask for help either, thats an action too, plus it may be necessary to get you to where you need to be.

Now that you know The 2 Difficult Steps to Success you can get started. I would like to remind you of the importance of Step 1, cause your mind is very powerful and is ultimately the creator of your reality. Your life is your mind pushed outwards, so think clearly about what you want and stay focused on it in order to obtain it. Think often of the end result and what it would be like to already have it, feel what it would feel like often, and of course stay positive. Be happy now, cause it feels good. And when you feel good, and you are happy, and you stay positive, that is when good things continue to happen and your life begins to change. So remember...Decide what you want to do, and then Act upon it.

Here’s what I do;


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Shea Noble
Positivity Specialist
CEO, Noble Network Lt.d
Founder, I.M.P.A.C.T.everyone

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